WHO Boys Weight-for-Age Percentiles Birth to 24 Months Compared to CDC Boys Weight-for-Age Percentiles Birth to 24 Months

The horizontal axis shows the age in months from 0 to 24 months.
The vertical axis shows the weight in kilograms from 0 to 16 kilograms (kg). 
The solid lines represent the WHO boys weight for age percentiles. 
The dark green line represents the 5th percentile. It starts at over 2 kg at 0 months and ends at 10 kg at 24 months. 
The dark blue line represents the 25th percentile. It starts at about 3 kg at 0 months and ends at about 11 kg at 24 months. 
The orange line represents the 50th percentile. It starts at over 3 kg at 0 months and ends at about 12 kg at 24 months. 
The light blue line represents the 75th percentile. It starts at under 4 kg at 0 months and ends at about 13 kg at 24 months.  
The light green line represents the 95th percentile. It starts at over 4 kg at 0 months and ends at over 14 kg at 24 months. 
The dashed lines represent the CDC boys weight for age percentiles. 
The dashed dark green line represents the 5th percentile. It starts at over 2 kg at 0 months and ends at over 10 kg at 23.5 months. 
The dashed dark blue line represents the 25th percentile. It starts at about 3 kg at 0 months and ends at over 11 kg at 23.5 months. 
The dashed orange line represents the 50th percentile. It starts at over 3 kg at 0 months and ends at over 12 kg at 23.5 months. 
The dashed light blue line represents the 75th percentile. It starts at about 4 kg at 0 months and ends at over 13 kg at 23.5 months.  
The dashed light green line represents the 95th percentile. It starts at over 4 kg at 0 months and ends at about 15 kg at 23.5 months.

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