How do I enroll in the Newborn Screening Quality Assurance program?

To submit a new NSQAP participation request or to modify your existing participation enrollment, please visit the NSQAP Participant Portal.

How do I request specimens?

Specimen requests are processed when you enroll. Complete the Participant Request Form [PDF – 545 KB] and indicate which products you wish to receive:

Proficiency Testing Materials:

  • Amino Acid and SUAC (AAPT)
  • Acylcarnitines (ACPT)
  • Biotinidase (BIOTPT)
  • Second-tier Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAHPT)
  • Cystic Fibrosis DNA (CFDNAPT)
  • Galactose-1-phosphate Uridyltransferase (GALTPT)
  • Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PDPT)
  • Anti-HIV-1 Antibiodies (HIVPT)
  • Hormone (17OHP, T4, TSH) + Total Galactose (HORMPT)
  • Immunoreactive Trypsinogen (IRTPT)
  • Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDPT) (Enrollment limited to United States participants only)
  • Sickle Cell and Other Hemoglobinopathies (HbPT) (Program at capacity – Waitlist only)
  • Anti-Toxoplasma (TOXOPT) (Enrollment into this program not guaranteed; subject to NSQAP Review)
  • T-cell Receptor Excision Circle (TRECPT) (Enrollment limited to United States participants only)
  • X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (XALDPT) (Enrollment limited to United States participants only)

Quality Control Testing Programs:

  • 17 α-Hydroxyprogesterone + Total Galactose (17OHPQC/TGalQC)
  • Amino Acids + Acylcarnitines (AAACQC)
  • Galactose-1-phosphate Uridyltransferase (GALTQC)
  • Anti-HIV-1 Antibodies (HIVQC)
  • Immunoreactive Trypsinogen (IRTQC)
  • Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDQC)
  • Thyroxine (T4QC)
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSHQC)
  • X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (XALDQC)

Second-tier Quality Control Testing Programs (Enrollment not guaranteed and will be reviewed):

  • Second-tier Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAHQC) Guanidinoacetate Methyltransferase (GAMTQC)
  • Second-tier Maple Syrup Urine Disease and Phenylketonuria by LC-MS/MS (MSUD-PKUQC)
  • Second-tier Methylmalonic/Propionic Acidemia and Homocystinuria by LC-MS/MS (MMA-HCYQC)

I am already enrolled in NSQAP, how do I enroll in additional services or programs you offer?

To request enrollment in additional programs, fill out the Participation Request form and email completed form to NSQAPDMT@cdc.gov. Be sure to include your laboratory code number on the form and in subject line of the email. If the registration form is received by the registration deadline for the program or service, the additional materials will be sent with the next scheduled shipment.

How many participants are enrolled in the Newborn Screening Quality Assurance Program?

All newborn screening laboratories in the United States that test dried blood spot specimens participate voluntarily in the Newborn Screening Quality Assurance Program (NSQAP). CDC also accepts other laboratories and international program participants. Currently, we provide services to 75 domestic newborn screening laboratories, 32 manufacturers of diagnostic products, and laboratories in more than 80 countries. These numbers are updated quarterly as new programs enroll or programs stop participation.

How do I change my program contact information or mailing address?

To change your laboratory contact information in the NSQAP system or update your mailing address send an email to NSQAPDMT@cdc.gov. Be sure to include your laboratory code number.

What kind of newborn Screening research does the Division of Laboratory Sciences perform?

The Division of Laboratory Sciences’ Newborn Screening and Molecular Biology Branch researches the development of new dried blood spot quality assurance materials using the filter paper matrix.

Data Reporting and Forms (For Lab Professionals)

How/Where do I report my data and results?

To report results, laboratories must have a valid email address and access to internet. The laboratories that participate in proficiency testing (PT) for the programs below will be given access to the NSQAP data reporting website where they enter their laboratory results.

  • Amino Acid and SUAC (AAPT)
  • Acylcarnitines (ACPT)
  • Biotinidase (BIOTPT)
  • Galactose-1-phosphate Uridyltransferase (GALTPT)
  • Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PDPT)
  • Hormone (17OHP, T4, TSH) + Total Galactose (HORMPT)
  • Immunoreactive Trypsinogen (IRTPT)

Laboratories that participate in PT for the following analytes must download data report forms for their respective analytes from the NSQAP Report Forms and Certification Data page. Submit completed PT Data Report Forms electronically to NSQAPDMT@cdc.gov. Be sure to include your laboratory code number.

  • Second-tier Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAHPT)
  • Cystic Fibrosis DNA (CFDNAPT)
  • Anti-HIV-1 Antibodies (HIVPT)
  • Lysosomal Storage Disorders (LSDPT) (Enrollment limited to United States participants only)
  • Sickle Cell and Other Hemoglobinopathies (HbPT) (Program at capacity – Waitlist only)
  • Anti-Toxoplasma (TOXOPT) (Enrollment into this program not guaranteed; subject to NSQAP Review)
  • T-cell Receptor Excision Circle (TRECPT)  (Enrollment limited to United States participants only)
  • X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (XALDPT)  (Enrollment limited to United States participants only)

The laboratories that participate in quality control (QC) can download the QC Data Report Form Instructions and QC Data Entry Form from the Report Forms and Certification Data page. Submit completed QC Data Report Forms electronically to NSQAPDMT@cdc.gov. Be sure to include your laboratory code number.

How do I use the QC data reporting form?

Step-by-step instructions for entering and saving data on the QC reporting form can be found here: Data Entry Form Instructions [PDF – 495 KB]

My user id and access code are not working; what should I do?

If you are having trouble with your assigned user id or passcode, email NSQAPDMT@cdc.gov and be sure to include your laboratory code number.

How do I access archived reports or previous year’s data?

Division of Laboratory Sciences’ Newborn Screening and Molecular Biology Branch archives newborn screening program annual and mid-year reports, if you would like to request a copy of previous reports that are not listed on our archives page, please contact us.

General Information (For Partners and Parents)

When and how are babies screened?

Babies that are born in a hospital should be screened before they leave the hospital. Parents should take babies not born in a hospital or not screened before hospital discharge to a clinic (or back to the hospital) to be checked within a few days of birth. A few drops of blood from the baby’s heel provide the blood sample sent to a lab for screening.

How will I receive the results of the test?

Parents are notified of screening results by their doctor if there is a problem. If you have questions or concerns about the results, see your baby’s doctor.

Where can I receive more information about Newborn Screening?

To learn more about newborn screening, go to https://www.cdc.gov/newbornscreening/.