Project Firstline Brand Essence Video Transcript with Text Description Time Marker (min:sec) Images and text shown on screen. Narration Transcript 0:00 Logos for DHHS/CDC and Project Firstline are shown: Department of Health & Human Services USA/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Project Firstline – CDC’s National Training Collaborative for Healthcare Infection Prevention & Control. 0:02 A young African-American woman is shown from the shoulders up. She’s wearing cobalt blue hospital scrubs and her face mask covers her nose and mouth. Her hair is tightly pulled into a neat bun. She looks directly into the camera and nods her head slightly down and up while maintaining eye contact. [Narrator] >>Working on the front lines of health care, 0:06 A woman wearing a face shield and N95 mask, protective gown and gloves, is framed in the open window of a car on a sunny day. She’s speaking with the driver and reaches into the car holding a nasal swab. >>you have experienced the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic 0:10 Video shots showing faces of office and EMS healthcare workers of varying race, age, and gender are shown in quick succession. All are looking directly into the camera. >>in ways few can understand. 0:13 In an examination room, an elderly man is speaking with a younger male healthcare worker is wearing scrubs and has a stethoscope around his neck. He holds an electronic tablet towards which they both gesture as they speak. The words “WORKING HARDER” are superimposed on the scene. >> You’re working harder than ever to protect your patients, coworkers, and yourselves, 0:18 A YouTube video window is shown of a doctor sitting in her office, holding a face mask and demonstrating its use. The words “INFECTION CONTROL EDUCATION AND TRAINING” are superimposed on the scene. >>And you deserve infection control education and training 0:21 A person wearing a face mask is looking at a cell phone. The camera angle over their shoulder makes the screen visible. It shows an app displaying the heading, “What’s the first thing you should do? Select the correct option.” Eight thumbnail pics are shown below this with labels such as “Insert IV,” “Put on Gown,” and “Wash Hands with Soap and Water.” >>designed just for you. 0:23 A man and woman wearing scrubs and face masks are seated at a brightly lit desk-level counter in an office with large windows. They are typing on computer laptops. They speak with each other and look at each other’s screens. >>That’s why we developed Project Firstline, 0:26 A healthcare worker with a stethoscope around his neck is standing in a large hospital foyer while tapping on a tablet. He looks up from the tablet directly into the camera. The words “PREVENTING INFECTIONS” are superimposed on the scene. >>because preventing infections is a top priority for everyone. 0:30 Three health care workers are consulting while standing at a nursing station counter. They are focused on a form held in a clipboard sitting on the counter. One worker holds a pen prepared to write on the form. The words “IT’S WHY YOU TRAIN” are superimposed on the scene. >>It’s why you train. 0:32 Three video shots are shown side by side: a woman’s face wearing a mask, seen from the side; hands pulling on latex gloves; hands washing with soap and water. The words “IT’S WHY YOU PREPARE” are superimposed on the scene. >>It’s why you prepare. 0:34 A group of five healthcare workers wearing scrubs and lab coats walk away from the camera down a brightly lit hall. The words “IT’S WHY YOU WORK TOGETHER” are superimposed on the scene. >>It’s why you work together as a team. 0:36 Closeup of an arm and hand wiping down a shiny metal stairway railing. The words “STOP THE SPREAD OF GERMS” are superimposed on the scene. >>If you stay vigilant and take action to stop the spread of germs 0:41 The screen is divided into quarters. Three hold video shots of healthcare interactions: a worker speaking with an elderly patient; a worker holding a newborn while another holds a stethoscope; two workers wearing lab coats bumping elbows. Everyone (except the newborn) is wearing a mask. The fourth quarter shows the words “EVERY PERSON” against a colored background. >>with every person, 0:43 A gloved hand wipes down a smooth surface. The words “EVERY ACTION” are superimposed on the scene. >>every action, 0:44 A healthcare worker pulls on latex gloves. The words “EVERY DAY” are superimposed on the scene. >>every day, 0:45 A healthcare worker standing at a sink scrubs their hands with soap and water. The word “SAFER” is superimposed on the scene. >>You make health care safer 0:47 A healthcare worker using a stethoscope examines a boy. Both are wearing face masks. The word “PATIENTS” is superimposed on the scene, replaced by “COWORKERS,” replaced by “AND YOURSELF.” >>for your patients, your coworkers and yourself. 0:52 A healthcare worker sits in front of a computer at a nursing station. She holds a cell phone and writes on a pad of paper. >>Project Firstline is here to support you as you learn and train. 0:56 The screen is divided into quarters. Three hold video shots of infection control actions: a worker holding a spray bottle and cloth disinfects a hospital bed railing; a woman pulls on a face mask; hands scrubbing with soap and water. The fourth quarter shows the words “STOP INFECTIONS” against a colored background. >>We have the power to stop infections together. 1:01 Video close-up of a mother wearing a hospital gown smiling down at her infant who is looking up at her. The words “SAVE LIVES” against a colored background slide in to share the screen. >>We have the power to save lives. 1:03 The words “Project Firstline offers free infection control training resources – developed with healthcare workers, for healthcare workers” are shown along with the web address The logos for DHHS/CDC and Project Firstline are also shown: Department of Health & Human Services USA/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Project Firstline – CDC’s National Training Collaborative for Healthcare Infection Prevention & Control. >>Project Firstline offers free infection control training resources developed with health care workers, for health care workers. 2