Form Approved OMB No: 0920-0445 Expiration Date: 11/30/2008 School Policy and Environment State Questionnaire School Policy and Environment State Questionnaire Questions Violence Prevention 1 - 15 Tobacco Use Prevention 16 - 33 Injury Prevention and Safety 34 - 35 Physical School Environment 36 - 40 Crisis Preparedness, Response, and Recovery 41 - 46 School Climate 47 - 48 State Assistance to Districts and Schools 49 - 52 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 40 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: CDC/ATSDR Reports Clearance Officer, 1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333; Attention PRA (0920-0445). NOTE: THROUGHOUT THIS QUESTIONNAIRE, TEXT THAT APPEARS IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS WILL NOT BE READ ALOUD TO RESPONDENTS. THIS QUESTIONNAIRE WILL BE ADMINISTERED USING COMPUTER ASSISTED TELEPHONE INTERVIEW TECHNOLOGY. THE INTERVIEWER WILL READ THE QUESTIONS ALOUD AND TYPE RESPONSES TO THE QUESTIONS INTO THE COMPUTER. THE INTERVIEW PROGRAM WILL 1) DISPLAY THE CORRECT TENSE OF VERBS, 2) PROVIDE ALTERNATE ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS (E.G., NOT APPLICABLE, “I DON’T KNOW”), 3) NAVIGATE COMPLEX SKIP PATTERNS, AND 4) PERFORM OTHER USEFUL FUNCTIONS. THE PROGRAMMING SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE INTERVIEW ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS PRINTED VERSION OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE. 1. This questionnaire focuses on your state’s policies and practices regarding school policy and environment. 2. When I use the word “policy,” I mean any law, rule, regulation, administrative order, or similar kind of mandate issued by the state board of education, state legislature, or other state agency with authority over schools in your state. I am most interested in what is required by the state, not what is recommended or contained in non-binding guidance documents, unless the question specifically asks about recommendations. 3. If a state policy is worded in such a way that it requires districts or schools to develop and adopt their own policies on a given topic, for the purpose of this questionnaire please consider it the same as a statewide requirement. 4. I recognize that the state may sometimes grant policy exceptions or waivers, but please answer each question based on what is considered the general policy and standard practice. 5. Please do not consider district or school practices or policies when answering the questions. We will ask about district and school practices and policies when we collect information from districts and schools across the country. The first questions ask about your state’s policies regarding violence. 1. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting physical fighting by students on school property? Yes 1 No 2 2. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting physical fighting by students at off-campus, school-sponsored events? Yes 1 No 2 3. Are districts or schools required to report to the state on the number of times students are caught fighting? Yes 1 No 2 4. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting weapon use by students on school property? Yes 1 No 2 5. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting weapon use by students at off-campus, school-sponsored events? Yes 1 No 2 6. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting weapon possession by students on school property? Yes 1 No 2 7. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting weapon possession by students at off-campus, school-sponsored events? Yes 1 No 2 8. Are districts or schools required to report to the state on the number of times students are caught using… Yes No a. A handgun or other firearm? 1 2 b. Any other weapon? 1 2 9. Are districts or schools required to report to the state on the number of times students are caught possessing... Yes No a. A handgun or other firearm? 1 2 b. Any other weapon? 1 2 My next question is about school-associated violent deaths. These deaths could include homicides or suicides at school or school-sponsored events among students, faculty and staff, and visitors. 10. Are districts or schools required to report to the state on the number of school-associated violent deaths? Yes 1 No 2 11. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting gang activity, such as recruiting or wearing gang colors, symbols, or other gang attire? Yes 1 No 2 12. Are districts or schools required to report to the state on the number of times students are caught violating any rule on gang activity? Yes 1 No 2 The next questions ask about bullying. By “bullying,” I mean the repeated infliction or attempted infliction of injury, discomfort, or humiliation of a student by one or more other students. 13. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting bullying on school property? Yes 1 No 2 14. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting bullying at off-campus, school-sponsored events? Yes 1 No 2 15. Has your state adopted a policy stating that schools will have a plan for the actions to be taken when a student at risk for suicide is identified? Yes 1 No 2 The next questions ask about your state’s policies regarding tobacco use. 16. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting cigarette smoking by students? Yes 1 No 2 -->SKIP TO Q18 17. Does that policy specifically prohibit cigarette smoking by students... Yes No a. In school buildings? 1 2 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields? 1 2 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students? 1 2 d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2 18. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting cigar or pipe smoking by students? Yes 1 No 2 19. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting smokeless tobacco use by students? Yes 1 No 2 -->SKIP TO Q21 20. Does that policy specifically prohibit smokeless tobacco use by students... Yes No a. In school buildings? 1 2 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields? 1 2 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students? 1 2 d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2 21. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting tobacco advertisements... Yes No a. In the school building? 1 2 b. Outside, on school grounds, including on the outside of the school building, on playing fields, or other areas of the campus? 1 2 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students? 1 2 d. In school publications? 1 2 22. Has your state adopted a policy that prohibits students from wearing tobacco brand-name apparel or carrying merchandise with tobacco company names, logos, or cartoon characters on it? Yes 1 No 2 23. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting tobacco advertising through sponsorship of school events? Yes 1 No 2 24. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting cigarette smoking by faculty and staff during any school-related activity? Yes 1 No 2 -->SKIP TO Q26 25. Does that policy specifically prohibit cigarette smoking by faculty and staff… Yes No a. In school buildings? 1 2 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields? 1 2 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students? 1 2 d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2 26. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting cigar or pipe smoking by faculty and staff during any school-related activity? Yes 1 No 2 27. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting smokeless tobacco use by faculty and staff during any school-related activity? Yes 1 No 2 -->SKIP TO THE INTRODUCTION TO Q29 28. Does that policy specifically prohibit smokeless tobacco use by faculty and staff… Yes No a. In school buildings? 1 2 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields? 1 2 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students? 1 2 d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2 The next question asks about your state’s policy regarding cigarette smoking by school visitors. By visitors, I mean anyone other than students or faculty and staff, including family members, community members, and repair workers. These people might visit school during or outside of school hours. 29. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting cigarette smoking by school visitors? Yes 1 No 2 -->SKIP TO Q31 30. Does that policy specifically prohibit cigarette smoking by school visitors… Yes No a. In school buildings? 1 2 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields? 1 2 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students? 1 2 d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2 31. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting cigar or pipe smoking by school visitors? Yes 1 No 2 32. Has your state adopted a policy prohibiting smokeless tobacco use by school visitors? Yes 1 No 2 -->SKIP TO THE INTRODUCTION TO Q34 33. Does that policy specifically prohibit smokeless tobacco use by school visitors… Yes No a. In school buildings? 1 2 b. Outside on school grounds, including parking lots and playing fields? 1 2 c. On school buses or other vehicles used to transport students? 1 2 d. At off-campus, school-sponsored events? 1 2 Now I would like to ask about your state’s policies regarding injury prevention and safety. 34. Has your state adopted a policy on the inspection or maintenance of… Yes No a. Playground facilities and equipment, such as playing surfaces, benches, monkey bars, and swings? 1 2 b. Indoor athletic facilities and equipment, such as playing surfaces, benches, tumbling mats, and weight lifting equipment? 1 2 c. Outdoor athletic facilities and equipment, such as playing fields and bleachers? 1 2 d. Special classroom areas, such as chemistry labs, workshops, and art rooms? 1 2 e. Other school areas, such as halls, stairs, and regular classrooms? 1 2 f. Smoke alarms? 1 2 g. Fire extinguishers? 1 2 h. Sprinkler systems? 1 2 i. Lighting inside school buildings? 1 2 j. Lighting outside school buildings? 1 2 35. Has your state adopted a policy requiring that students wear appropriate protective gear when engaged in… Yes No a. Classes such as wood shop or metal shop? 1 2 b. Lab activities for photography, chemistry, biology, or other science classes? 1 2 The next section asks about the physical school environment, such as building maintenance, indoor air quality, pest control, and chemicals. 36. Has your state adopted a policy requiring that districts or schools conduct periodic inspections… Yes No N/A a. For pests? 1 2 b. For condensation in and around the school facilities? 1 2 c. Of the building foundation, walls, and roof for cracks or leaks? 1 2 d. For mold? 1 2 e. Of the plumbing system? 1 2 f. Of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system (HVAC)? 1 2 g. That test drinking water outlets for lead? 1 2 h. Of on-site large-capacity drinking water tanks? 1 2 3 The next question is about Phase I environmental site assessments. Phase I environmental site assessments can include a physical survey of the property and surrounding properties to assess general land use and occupants of the area, an on-site visual inspection of the site to identify environmental concerns, an assessment of current and past uses of the property particularly if any hazardous materials were stored or disposed of at the site, a review of owner records, and a review of local, state, and federal regulatory agency records maintained for the site. 37. Has your state adopted a policy requiring Phase I environmental site assessments prior to constructing a new school facility? Yes 1 No 2 The next question asks about integrated pest management, or IPM. Integrated pest management is an approach to pest control that seeks to reduce use of toxic pesticides as much as possible by relying on non-toxic methods of pest control such as physical exclusion and by limiting pesticide use to when it is essential. 38. Does your state require or recommend that districts or schools follow an integrated pest management program? Require 1 Recommend 2 Neither 3 39. Has your state adopted a policy requiring districts or schools to have an indoor air quality management program? Yes 1 No 2 -->SKIP TO THE INTRODUCTION TO Q41 40. Does your state require or recommend that these programs are based on EPA’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools? Require 1 Recommend 2 Neither 3 The next questions ask about crisis preparedness, response, and recovery in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency situation. 41. Has your state used any materials from the U.S. Department of Education to develop policies related to crisis preparedness, response, and recovery? Yes 1 No 2 42. Has your state adopted a policy requiring that districts or schools have a comprehensive plan to address crisis preparedness, response, and recovery in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency or crisis situation? Yes 1 No 2 -->SKIP TO Q44 43. Has your state adopted a policy requiring that each district’s or school’s crisis preparedness, response, and recovery plan include… Yes No a. Evacuation plans? 1 2 b. Procedures to stop people from leaving or entering school buildings, that is, lock down plans? 1 2 c. Procedures to control the exterior of the building and school grounds? 1 2 d. Plans to seek immediate shelter and remain in that area during a chemical, biological, or radiological emergency rather than evacuating, or shelter-in-place plans? 1 2 e. Requirements to conduct regular emergency drills, other than fire drills? 1 2 f. Family reunification procedures? 1 2 g. Provisions for students and staff with special needs? 1 2 h. Plans to resume normal activities after buildings or facilities have been damaged? 1 2 i. Provision of mental health services for students, faculty, and staff after a crisis has occurred, for example to treat post-traumatic stress disorder? 1 2 j. Mechanisms for communicating with school personnel? 1 2 k. Establishment of an incident command system? 1 2 l. Procedures for responding to media inquiries? 1 2 m. Mechanisms for communicating the plan to students’ families? 1 2 n. Requirements to periodically review and revise emergency response plans? 1 2 44. Is your state education agency a member of the state emergency planning committee? Yes 1 No 2 45. Some communities have a group of local agencies that coordinates crisis preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. Such a group might be called a local emergency planning committee, an emergency management team, or something else. Does your state require or recommend that districts or schools serve as members of such a group? Require 1 Recommend 2 Neither 3 46. Has your state adopted a policy that all schools must have a NOAA-approved weather radio? Yes 1 No 2 The next question asks about your state’s efforts to promote positive school climate. By positive school climate, I mean a sense of community and welcome within the school, exemplified through caring student-teacher relationships, high teacher morale, student involvement and leadership in activities and programs, and family involvement. 47. Has your state adopted any policies that explicitly promote positive school climate? Yes 1 No 2 48. Has your state adopted a policy stating that schools will adopt a prosocial code of conduct that addresses such concepts as cooperation, conflict resolution, and helping others? Yes 1 No 2 The next questions ask about model policies your state may have provided to districts or schools. This might include policies developed by your state, or those based on model policies developed elsewhere. 49. During the past two years, has your state provided districts or schools with model policies on… Yes No a. Positive school climate? 1 2 b. Bullying prevention? 1 2 c. Violence prevention? 1 2 d. Tobacco use prevention? 1 2 e. Alcohol use prevention? 1 2 f. Illegal drug use prevention? 1 2 g. Crisis preparedness, response, and recovery? 1 2 h. Indoor air quality? 1 2 i. Drinking water quality? 1 2 j. Integrated pest management? 1 2 k. Green building design? 1 2 My next questions are about staff development, which might include workshops, conferences, continuing education, graduate courses, or any other kind of in-service. 50. During the past two years, has your state provided funding for or offered staff development to districts or schools on how to implement policies and programs related to… Yes No a. Positive school climate? 1 2 b. Bullying prevention? 1 2 c. Violence prevention? 1 2 d. Tobacco use prevention? 1 2 e. Alcohol use prevention? 1 2 f. Illegal drug use prevention? 1 2 g. Crisis preparedness, response, and recovery? 1 2 h. Indoor air quality? 1 2 i. Drinking water quality? 1 2 j. Integrated pest management? 1 2 k. Green building design? 1 2 51. During the past two years, has your state provided funding for or offered to help districts or schools establish a group—for example, a school health council, committee, or team — that offers guidance on the development of policies or coordinates activities on health topics? Yes 1 No 2 52. Is there a committee, council, or team of people who are formally charged with coordinating state-level school health activities? Yes 1 No 2 Thank you very much for taking the time to participate in this study. If you would like more information or would like clarification of any questions in this survey, please call 800-287-1815.