Hello, I'm Dr. Kris Sheedy from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I'd like to say thank you to all our National Influenza Vaccination Disparities Partnership, or NIVDP, partners for your remarkable work in promoting flu vaccination among medically underserved and disparate populations. Your volunteer efforts are making a difference every day, all across the country., particularly during Influenza season. The results demonstrate the power of partnership: last season, community and faith-based groups joined hands with local clinics, businesses and hospitals to help approximately 250,000 people get vaccinated against the flu. Since its first year, the partnership has grown exponentially. In 2011, when the partnership was formed, 140 partners engaged in activities during National Influenza Vaccination Week, Or NIVW. During NIVW in 2012, 379 partners actively promoted flu vaccination in 45 areas. And these numbers have been growing steadily. This flu season, the NIVDP is poised to continue addressing inequalities in vaccination coverage rates by focusing on disparities among adults and reaching out to new underserved groups. Your work reaches out to those most in need: pregnant women, children, and those people with chronic health conditions that put them at high risk for complications from the flu. National Influenza Vaccination Week is an important platform for spreading the word about flu vaccination, and the perfect opportunity for partners to let people in your communities know that if they have not gotten a flu vaccine yet, they should. NIVW takes place this year from December 8th to December 14th. So far, NIVDP partners have committed to conducting almost 100 different flu vaccination promotion events in 29 cities. Through this sort of dedicated grassroots effort, NIVDP partners have spent the last two flu seasons tirelessly reaching out to promote vaccination. Many of you have shared wonderful success stories with us, including how your efforts have prompted community members who have never received a flu vaccine before to get themselves and their family members vaccinated. You are proof that partnership can and does make a difference. Thank you to those of you who vaccinate, those who share educational materials, and those who consistently look for creative and effective ways to get the message about flu vaccine out to those who need to hear it most.. We truly appreciate your time, energy, and commitment to public health.