Untreated Dental Caries (Cavities) in Children Ages 2-19, by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, and Percent of Poverty Level, United States

Sex: 2-5 years: 1971-1974 Male (26.4%), Female (23.6%); 1998-1994 Male (19.3%), Female (18.9%); 2001-2004 Male (20.0%), Female (19.1%). 6-19 years: 1971-1974 Male (54.9%), Female (54.5%); 1998-1994 Male (22.8%), Female (24.5%); 2001-2004 Male (23.9%), Female (22.0%).

Race and Hispanic Origin: 2-5 years, 1971-1974 Not Hispanic or Latino - White only (23.7%), Black or African American (29.0%), Mexican (not available); 1998-1994 Not Hispanic or Latino - White only (13.8%), Black or African American (24.7%), Mexican (34.9%); 2001-2004 Not Hispanic or Latino - White only (14.5%), Black or African American (24.2%), Mexican (29.2%). 6-19 years, 1971-1974 Not Hispanic or Latino - White only (51.6%), Black or African American (71.0%), Mexican (not available); 1998-1994 Not Hispanic or Latino - White only (18.8%), Black or African American (33.7%), Mexican (36.5%); 2001-2004 Not Hispanic or Latino - White only (19.4%), Black or African American (28.1%), Mexican (30.60%).

Percent of Poverty Level: 2-5 years, 1971-1974 Below 100% of poverty level (68.0%), 100%--less than 200% (60.3%), 200% or more (46.2%); 1998-1994 Below 100% of poverty level (38.3%), 100%--less than 200% (28.2%), 200% or more (15.1%); 2001-2004 Below 100% of poverty level (31.5%), 100%--less than 200% (32.7%), 200% or more (14.7%).