Estimates of Selected Birth Defects in the United States, 2004-2006. The 14 programs providing these statistics are Arkansas, Arizona, California [8-county Central Valley], Colorado, Georgia [5-county metropolitan Atlanta], Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Texas, and Utah.

The following statistics have been adjusted for maternal race/ethnicity based on United States live birth population, 2004-2006. Central nervous system defects - Anencephaly: (Cases per births 1 in 4,859; estimated annual number of cases 859); Spina bifida without anencephaly (1 in 2,858; 1469); Encephalocele (1 in 12,235; 341). Eye defects – Anophthalmia/microphthalmia: (1 in 5,349; 780). Cardiovascular defects – Common truncus: (1 in 13,876; 301); Transposition of great arteries: (1 in 3,333; 1252); Tetralogy of Fallot: (1 in 2,518; 1657); Atrioventricular septal defect: (1 in 2,122; 1966); Hypoplastic left heart syndrome: (1 in 4,344; 960). Orofacial defects – Cleft palate without cleft lip: (1 in 1,574; 2651); Cleft lip with and without cleft palate: (1 in 940; 4437). Gastrointestinal defects – Esophageal atresia/tracheoesophageal fistula: (1 in 4,608; 905); Rectal and large intestinal atresia/stenosis: (1 in 2,138; 1952). Musculoskeletal defects – Reduction deformity, upper limbs (1 in 2,869; 1454); Reduction deformity, lower limbs (1 in 5,949; 701); Gastroschisis (1 in 2,229; 1871); Omphalocele (1 in 5,386; 775); Diaphragmatic hernia (1 in 3,836; 1088).

The following statistics have been adjusted for maternal age based on United States live birth population, 2004-2006. Chromosomal anomalies – Trisomy 13: (1 in 7,906; 528); Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome): (1 in 691; 6037); Trisomy 18: (1 in 3,762; 1109).